Following correct aftercare will ensure you get the full benefit of your nail treatment.
Apply Nurture Oil to your cuticles every night before going to bed. This will produce stronger, more flexible and non-flaking natural nails.
Be careful when using suntan oils/repellent, tinted lotion, tanning or hair products as they can cause discolouration to your natural nails. Wear gloves and always wash hands after use.
Use protective gloves for housework, gardening, DIY etc.
Moisturise your hands after washing. This will allow the skin to stay smooth and youthful.
Take care when opening can rings and car doors.
Do not bite or pick at your nails as this will cause your natural nails to become week and chip.
Keep nails at a moderate length.
Metal files should be avoided as they create heat in the nails which dries the natural moisture and weakens them.
Maintenance appointments will be dependent on course of treatment, you can discuss this with your therapist.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via social media, email or by phone.